Thursday, 26 November 2009

Christmas Gifts

Martin models the SOS hat and wristband in a British trench at Plugstreet 2009.

We find evidence of gifts for the troops in the trenches at Plugstreet, including toffee tins and the like. It was an important part of trench life, getting parcels. The most famous gifts were the Queen Mary tins that included cigarettes and chocolate but colonies sent chocolate and individials sent the men on all sides presents to keep their morale up.

This Christmas gifts for the troops on deployment are as important as they were in 1914. If you would like to contribute to gifts to our boys then go to:

and make a donation.

The Project has donated to the charity before and sent some more money to them this evening.

We wish them all safe home, but in the meantime we remember them and use the insights from the archaeological evidence to reflect on the soldiers' experience, far from home, eating boring food and having, at best, an unusual Christmas...

Support SOS

Merry Christmas


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